import argparse import atexit from glob import glob from logging.config import dictConfig from os import environ, path from typing import List from dotenv import load_dotenv from packit.utils import logger_with_colors # this is the ONLY taleweave import allowed before the logger has been created from taleweave.utils.file import load_yaml # load environment variables before anything else load_dotenv(environ.get("TALEWEAVE_ENV", ".env"), override=True) # configure logging # TODO: move this to a separate module LOG_PATH = environ.get("TALEWEAVE_LOGGING", "logging.json") try: if path.exists(LOG_PATH): with open(LOG_PATH, "r") as f: config_logging = load_yaml(f) dictConfig(config_logging) else: print(f"logging config not found at {LOG_PATH}") except Exception as err: print(f"error loading logging config: {err}") # start the debugger, if needed if environ.get("DEBUG", "false").lower() in ["true", "1", "yes", "t", "y"]: logger = logger_with_colors(__name__, level="DEBUG") import debugpy debugpy.listen(5679) logger.warning("waiting for debugger to attach...") debugpy.wait_for_client() else: logger = logger_with_colors(__name__) if True: from taleweave.context import ( get_prompt_library, set_current_world, set_game_config, set_game_systems, subscribe, ) from taleweave.engine import load_or_generate_world, simulate_world from taleweave.game_system import GameSystem from taleweave.models.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG, Config from taleweave.models.entity import World from taleweave.models.event import GenerateEvent from taleweave.models.files import TemplateFile, WorldPrompt from taleweave.models.prompt import PromptLibrary from taleweave.plugins import load_plugin from taleweave.state import save_world_state def int_or_inf(value: str) -> float | int: if value == "inf": return float("inf") return int(value) # main def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate and simulate a text adventure world" ) # config arguments parser.add_argument( "--config", type=str, help="The file to load additional configuration from", ) parser.add_argument( "--discord", action="store_true", help="Whether to run the simulation in a Discord bot", ) parser.add_argument( "--player", type=str, help="The name of the character to play as", ) parser.add_argument( "--render", action="store_true", help="Whether to run the render thread", ) parser.add_argument( "--render-generated", action="store_true", help="Whether to render entities as they are generated", ) parser.add_argument( "--server", action="store_true", help="Whether to run the websocket server", ) # data and plugin arguments parser.add_argument( "--actions", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra actions to include in the simulation", default=[ "taleweave.actions.core", ], ) parser.add_argument( "--prompts", type=str, nargs="*", help="The file to load game prompts from", default=[ "prompts/discord-en-us.yaml", "prompts/llama-*.yaml", ], ) parser.add_argument( "--systems", type=str, nargs="*", help="Extra systems to run in the simulation", default=[ "", ], ) # generation arguments parser.add_argument( "--add-rooms", default=0, type=int, help="The number of new rooms to generate before starting the simulation", ) parser.add_argument( "--rooms", type=int, help="The number of rooms to generate", ) # simulation arguments parser.add_argument( "--turns", type=int_or_inf, default=10, help="The number of simulation turns to run", ) # world arguments parser.add_argument( "--world", type=str, default="world", help="The file to save the generated world to", ) parser.add_argument( "--world-flavor", type=str, default="", help="Some additional flavor text for the generated world", ) parser.add_argument( "--world-state", type=str, help="The file to save the world state to. Defaults to $world.state.json, if not set", ) parser.add_argument( "--world-template", type=str, help="The template file to load the world prompt from", ) parser.add_argument( "--world-theme", type=str, default="fantasy", help="The theme of the generated world", ) return parser.parse_args() def get_world_prompt(args) -> WorldPrompt: if args.world_template: prompt_file, prompt_name = args.world_template.split(":") with open(prompt_file, "r") as f: prompts = TemplateFile(**load_yaml(f)) for prompt in prompts.templates: if == prompt_name: return prompt logger.warning(f"prompt {prompt_name} not found in {prompt_file}") return WorldPrompt(, theme=args.world_theme, flavor=args.world_flavor, ) def load_prompt_library(args) -> None: if args.prompts: prompt_files = [] for prompt_file in args.prompts: prompt_files.extend(glob(prompt_file, recursive=True)) for prompt_file in prompt_files: with open(prompt_file, "r") as f: new_library = PromptLibrary(**load_yaml(f))"loaded prompt library from {prompt_file}") library = get_prompt_library() library.prompts.update(new_library.prompts) return None def main(): args = parse_args() if args.config: with open(args.config, "r") as f: config = Config(**load_yaml(f)) set_game_config(config) else: config = DEFAULT_CONFIG load_prompt_library(args) players = [] if args.player: players.append(args.player) # launch other threads threads = [] if args.render: from taleweave.render.comfy import launch_render, render_generated threads.extend(launch_render(config.render)) if args.render_generated: subscribe(GenerateEvent, render_generated) if args.discord: from import launch_bot threads.extend(launch_bot( if args.server: from taleweave.server.websocket import launch_server threads.extend(launch_server(config.server.websocket)) # register the thread shutdown handler def shutdown_threads(): for thread in threads: thread.join(1.0) atexit.register(shutdown_threads) # load extra actions from plugins for action_name in args.actions or []:"loading extra actions from {action_name}") action_group, module_actions = load_plugin(action_name) f"added actions to group '{action_group}': {[action.__name__ for action in module_actions]}" ) # set up the game systems systems: List[GameSystem] = [] for system_name in or []:"loading systems from {system_name}") module_systems = load_plugin(system_name)"loaded game systems: {module_systems}") systems.extend(module_systems) # make sure the server system runs after any updates if args.server: from taleweave.server.websocket import server_system systems.append(GameSystem(name="websocket_server", simulate=server_system))"running with {len(systems)} game systems: {systems}") set_game_systems(systems) # load or generate the world world_prompt = get_world_prompt(args) world, world_state_file, world_turn = load_or_generate_world(, args.world_state, config, players, systems, world_prompt=world_prompt, room_count=args.rooms, add_rooms=args.add_rooms, ) set_current_world(world) # make sure the snapshot system runs last def snapshot_system(world: World, turn: int, data: None = None) -> None:"taking snapshot of world state") save_world_state(world, turn, world_state_file) systems.append(GameSystem(name="snapshot", simulate=snapshot_system)) # hack: send a snapshot to the websocket server if args.server: server_system(world, world_turn) simulate_world(world, systems, args.turns) if __name__ == "__main__": main()