from adventure.context import ( broadcast, get_agent_for_actor, get_current_context, get_dungeon_master, ) def action_attack(target: str) -> str: """ Attack a character or item in the room. Args: target: The name of the character or item to attack. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() # make sure the target is in the room target_actor = next( (actor for actor in action_room.actors if == target), None ) target_item = next( (item for item in action_room.items if == target), None ) dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() if target_actor: target_agent = get_agent_for_actor(target_actor) if not target_agent: raise ValueError(f"no agent found for actor {}") reaction = target_agent( f"{} is attacking you in the {}. How do you react?" "Respond with 'fighting', 'fleeing', or 'surrendering'." ) outcome = dungeon_master( f"{} attacks {target} in the {}. {action_room.description}." f"{action_actor.description}. {target_actor.description}." f"{target} reacts by {reaction}. What is the outcome of the attack? Describe the result in detail." ) description = ( f"{} attacks the {target} in the {}." f"{target} reacts by {reaction}. {outcome}" ) broadcast(description) return description elif target_item: outcome = dungeon_master( f"{} attacks {target} in the {}. {action_room.description}." f"{action_actor.description}. {target_item.description}." f"What is the outcome of the attack? Describe the result in detail." ) description = f"{} attacks the {target} in the {}. {outcome}" broadcast(description) return description else: return f"{target} is not in the {}." def action_cast(target: str, spell: str) -> str: """ Cast a spell on a character or item in the room. Args: target: The name of the character or item to cast the spell on. spell: The name of the spell to cast. """ _, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context() # make sure the target is in the room target_actor = next( (actor for actor in action_room.actors if == target), None ) target_item = next( (item for item in action_room.items if == target), None ) if not target_actor and not target_item: return f"{target} is not in the {}." dungeon_master = get_dungeon_master() outcome = dungeon_master( f"{} casts {spell} on {target} in the {}. {action_room.description}." f"{action_actor.description}. {target_actor.description if target_actor else target_item.description}." f"What is the outcome of the spell? Describe the result in detail." ) description = f"{} casts {spell} on the {target} in the {}. {outcome}" broadcast(description) return description