prompts: # base actions action_examine_error_target: | You cannot examine the {{target}} because it is not in the room. action_examine_broadcast_action: | {{action_character | name}} looks at {{target}}. action_examine_broadcast_character: | {{action_character | name}} saw {{target_character | name}} in the {{action_room | name}} room. action_examine_broadcast_inventory: | {{action_character | name}} saw the {{target_item | name}} item in their inventory. action_examine_broadcast_item: | {{action_character | name}} saw the {{target_item | name}} item in the {{action_room | name}} room. action_examine_broadcast_room: | {{action_character | name}} saw the {{action_room | name}} room. action_examine_result_character: | You examine the {{target_character | name}}. {{ target_character | describe }}. action_examine_result_inventory: | You examine the {{target_item | name}}. {{target_item | describe}}. action_examine_result_item: | You examine the {{target_item | name}}. {{target_item | describe}}. action_examine_result_room: | You examine the {{target_room | name}}. {{target_room | describe}}. action_move_error_direction: | {{direction}} is not an exit from this room. Please choose a valid direction: {{portals}}. action_move_error_room: | You cannot move through {{direction}}, it does not lead anywhere. action_move_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} moves through {{direction}} to {{dest_room | name}}. action_move_result: | You move through {{direction}} to {{dest_room | name}}. action_take_error_item: | You cannot take the {{item}} item because it is not in the room. action_take_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} picks up the {{item}} item. action_take_result: | You pick up the {{item}} item and put it in your inventory. action_ask_error_self: | You cannot ask yourself a question. Stop talking to yourself. Try another action or a different character. action_ask_error_target: | You cannot ask {{character}} a question because they are not in the room. action_ask_error_agent: | You cannot ask {{character}} a question because they are not a character. action_ask_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} asks {{character}}: {{question}}. action_ask_conversation_first: | {{last_character | name}} asks you: {{response}} Reply with your response to them. Reply with 'END' to end the conversation. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only include your answer for {{last_character | name}}. action_ask_conversation_reply: | {{last_character | name}} continues the conversation with you. They reply: {{response}} Reply with your response to them. Reply with 'END' to end the conversation. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only include your answer for {{last_character | name}}. action_ask_conversation_end: | {{last_character | name}} ends the conversation for now. action_ask_ignore: | {{character}} does not respond. action_tell_error_self: | You cannot tell yourself a message. Stop talking to yourself. Try taking notes during your planning phase instead. action_tell_error_target: | You cannot tell {{character}} a message because they are not in the room. action_tell_error_agent: | You cannot tell {{character}} a message because they are not a character. action_tell_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} tells {{character}}: {{message}}. action_tell_conversation_first: | {{last_character | name}} starts a conversation with you. They say: {{response}} Reply with your response to them. Reply with 'END' to end the conversation. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only include your answer for {{last_character | name}}. action_tell_conversation_reply: | {{last_character | name}} continues the conversation with you. They reply: {{response}} Reply with your response to them. Reply with 'END' to end the conversation. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only include your answer for {{last_character | name}}. action_tell_conversation_end: | {{last_character | name}} ends the conversation for now. action_tell_ignore: | {{character}} does not respond. action_give_error_target: | You cannot give the {{item}} item to {{character}} because they are not in the room. action_give_error_self: | You cannot give the {{item}} item to yourself. Try giving it to another character in the room. action_give_error_item: | You cannot give the {{item}} item because it is not in your inventory or in the room. action_give_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} gives the {{item}} item to {{character}}. action_give_result: | You give the {{item}} item to {{character}}. action_drop_error_item: | You cannot drop the {{item}} item because it is not in your inventory. action_drop_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} drops the {{item}} item. action_drop_result: | You drop the {{item}} item. # optional actions action_explore_error_direction: | You cannot explore {{direction}} from here, that direction already leads to {{dest_room}}. Please use action_move to go there. action_explore_error_generating: | You cannot explore {{direction}} from here, something strange happened and nothing exists in that direction. action_explore_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} explores {{direction}} from {{action_room | name}} and finds a new room: {{new_room | name}}. action_explore_result: | You explore {{direction}} and find a new room: {{new_room | name}}. action_search_error_full: | You find nothing hidden in the room. There is no room for more items. action_search_error_generating: | You find nothing hidden in the room. Something strange happened and the item you were looking for is not there. action_search_broadcast: | {{action_character | name}} searches the room and finds a new item: {{new_item | name}}. action_search_result: | You search the room and find a new item: {{new_item | name}}. action_use_error_cooldown: | You cannot use the {{item}} item again so soon. Please wait a bit before trying again. action_use_error_exhausted: | You cannot use the {{item}} item anymore. It has been used too many times. action_use_error_item: | The {{item}} item is not available in your inventory or in the room. action_use_error_target: | The {{target}} is not in the room, so you cannot use the {{item}} item on it. action_use_broadcast_effect: | {{action_character | name}} uses {{item}} on {{target}} and applies the {{effect}} effect. action_use_broadcast_outcome: | Using the {{item}} item on {{target}} resulted in: {{outcome}}. action_use_dm_effect: | {{action_character | name}} uses {{item}} on {{target}}. {{item}} can apply any of the following effects: {{effect_names}}. Which effect should be applied? Specify the effect. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only reply with the effect name. action_use_dm_outcome: | {{action_character | name}} uses {{item}} on {{target}} and applies the {{effect | name}} effect. {{action_character | describe}}. {{target_character | describe}}. {{action_item | describe}}. What happens? How does {{target_character | name}} react? What is the outcome? Be creative with the results. The outcome can be positive, negative, or neutral. Describe one possible outcome based on the characters, items, and effects involved. Do not include the question or any JSON. Only reply with the outcome. # planning actions action_take_note_error_limit: | You have reached the maximum number of notes. Please delete or summarize some of your existing notes before adding more. action_take_note_error_length: | The note is too long. Please keep notes under 200 characters. action_take_note_error_duplicate: | You already have a note about that fact. If you want to update the note, please edit or summarize the existing note. action_take_note_result: | You make a note of that fact. action_erase_notes_error_empty: | You have no notes to erase. action_erase_notes_error_match: | You have no notes that match that text. action_erase_notes_result: | You erased {{count}} notes. action_edit_note_error_empty: | You have no notes to edit. action_edit_note_error_match: | You have no notes that match that text. action_edit_note_result: | You edited that note. action_summarize_notes_error_empty: | You have no notes to summarize. action_summarize_notes_error_limit: | You still have too many notes. Please condense them further, you can only have up to {{limit}} notes. action_summarize_notes_prompt: | Please summarize your notes. Remove any duplicates and combine similar notes. If a newer note contradicts an older note, keep the newer note. Clean up your notes so you can focus on the most important facts. Respond with one note per line. You can have up to {limit} notes, so make sure you reply with less than {limit} lines. Do not number the lines in your response. Do not include any JSON or other information. Your notes are:\n{notes} action_summarize_notes_result: | You summarized your notes. action_schedule_event_error_name: | The event must have a name. action_schedule_event_error_limit: | You have reached the maximum number of events. Please delete or reschedule some of your existing events before adding more. action_schedule_event_error_duplicate: | You already have an event with that name. Please choose a unique name for the event. action_schedule_event_result: | You scheduled an event that will happen in {{turns}} turns. action_check_calendar_empty: | You have no upcoming events on your calendar. You can plan events with other characters during your turn. Make sure you inform the other characters about the event so they can plan accordingly. action_check_calendar_each: | {{name}} will happen in {{turns}} turn # agent stuff world_agent_backstory: | {{ character.backstory }} world_agent_backstory_other: | You are {{character | name}}, a character in a text-based role-playing game. Your character's backstory is: {{ character.backstory }} Explore the world, interact with other characters, and complete quests to advance the story. # default dungeon master world_default_dungeon_master: | You are the dungeon master in charge of creating an engaging fantasy world full of interesting characters who interact with each other and explore their environment. Be creative and original, creating a world that is visually detailed and full of curious details. Do not repeat yourself unless you are given the same prompt with the same characters, room, and context. # world generation world_generate_dungeon_master: | You are an experienced dungeon master creating a visually detailed world for a new adventure set in {{theme | punctuate}} Be creative and original, creating a world that is visually detailed, consistent, and plausible within the context of the setting. Do not repeat yourself unless you are given the same prompt with the same characters, room, and context. {{flavor | punctuate}} The theme of the world must be: {{theme | punctuate}} world_generate_world_broadcast_theme: | Generating a {{theme}} with {{room_count}} rooms world_generate_room_name: | Generate one room, area, or location that would make sense in the world of {{world_theme}}. Only respond with the room name in title case, do not include the description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. The existing rooms are: {{existing_rooms}} world_generate_room_description: | Generate a detailed description of the {{name}} area. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What can be seen or heard? world_generate_room_broadcast_room: | Generating room: {{name}} world_generate_room_broadcast_items: | Generating {{item_count}} items for room: {{name}} world_generate_room_broadcast_characters: | Generating {{character_count}} characters for room: {{name}} world_generate_room_broadcast_portals: | Generating {{portal_count}} portals for room: {{room | name}} world_generate_portal_name_outgoing: | Generate the name of a portal that leads from the {{source_room}} room to the {{dest_room}} room and fits the world theme of {{world_theme}}. Some example portal names are: 'door', 'gate', 'archway', 'staircase', 'trapdoor', 'mirror', and 'magic circle'. Only respond with the portal name in title case, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. Use a unique name. Do not create any duplicate portals in the same room. The existing portals are: {{existing_portals}} world_generate_portal_name_incoming: | Generate the opposite name of the portal that leads from the {{dest_room}} room to the {{source_room}} room. The name should be the opposite of the {{outgoing_name}} portal and should fit the world theme of {{world_theme}}. Some example portal names are: 'door', 'gate', 'archway', 'staircase', 'trapdoor', 'mirror', and 'magic circle'. Only respond with the portal name in title case, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. Use a unique name. Do not create any duplicate portals in the same room. The existing portals are: {{existing_portals}} world_generate_portal_broadcast_outgoing: | Generating portal: {{outgoing_name}} world_generate_portal_broadcast_incoming: | Linking {{outgoing_name}} to {{incoming_name}} world_generate_item_name: | Generate a new item or object that would make sense in the world of {{world_theme}}. {{dest_note}}. Only respond with the item name in title case, do not include the description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. Use a unique name. Do not create any duplicate items in the same room. Do not give characters the same item more than once. The existing items are: {{existing_items}} world_generate_item_description: | Generate a detailed description of the {{name}} item. What does it look like? What is it made of? What is its purpose or function? world_generate_item_broadcast_item: | Generating item: {{name}} world_generate_item_broadcast_effects: | Generating {{effect_count}} effects for item: {{name}} world_generate_effect_name: | Generate one effect for an {{entity_type}} named {{entity_name}} that would make sense in the world of {{theme}}. Only respond with the effect name in title case, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. Use a unique name. Do not create any duplicate effects on the same item. The existing effects are: {{existing_effects}}. Some example effects are: 'fire', 'poison', 'frost', 'haste', 'slow', and 'heal'. world_generate_effect_description: | Generate a detailed description of the {{name}} effect. What does it look like? What does it do? How does it affect the target? Describe the effect from the perspective of an outside observer. world_generate_effect_application: | How should the {{name}} effect be applied? Respond with 'temporary' for a temporary effect that lasts for a duration, or 'permanent' for a permanent effect that immediately modifies the target. For example, a healing potion would be a permanent effect that increases health every turn, while bleeding would be a temporary effect that decreases health every turn. A haste potion would be a temporary effect that increases speed for a duration, while a slow spell would be a temporary effect that decreases speed for a duration. Do not include any other text. Do not use JSON. world_generate_effect_cooldown: | How many turns should the {{name}} effect wait before it can be used again? Enter a positive number to set a cooldown, or 0 for no cooldown. Do not include any other text. Do not use JSON. world_generate_effect_duration: | How many turns does the {{name}} effect last? Enter a positive number to set a duration, or 0 for an instant effect. Do not include any other text. Do not use JSON. world_generate_effect_uses: | How many times can the {{name}} effect be used before it is exhausted? Enter a positive number to set a limit, or -1 for unlimited uses. Do not include any other text. Do not use JSON. world_generate_effect_attribute_names: | Generate a short list of attributes that the {{name}} effect modifies. Include 1 to 3 attributes. For example, 'heal' increases the target's 'health' attribute, while 'poison' decreases it. Use a comma-separated list of attribute names, such as 'health, strength, speed'. Only include the attribute names, do not include the question or any JSON. world_generate_effect_attribute_value: | How much does the {{name}} effect modify the {{attribute_name}} attribute? For example, heal might add 10 to the health attribute, while poison might remove -5 from it. Enter a positive number to increase the attribute or a negative number to decrease it. Do not include any other text. Do not use JSON. world_generate_effect_broadcast_effect: | Generating effect: {{name}} world_generate_effect_error_application: | The application must be either 'temporary' or 'permanent'. world_generate_character_name: | Generate a new character that would make sense in the world of {{world_theme}}. Characters can be a person, creature, or some other intelligent entity. The character will be placed in the {{dest_room}} room. {{additional_prompt}}. Only respond with the character name in title case, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. Do not include the name of the room. Do not give characters any duplicate names. Do not create any duplicate characters. The existing characters are: {{existing_characters}} world_generate_character_description: | Generate a detailed description of {{name}}. {{detail_prompt}}. What do they look like? What are they wearing? What are they doing? Describe their appearance and demeanor from the perspective of an outside observer. Do not include the room or any other characters in the description, because they will change over time. world_generate_character_backstory: | Generate a backstory for the {{name}} character. {{additional_prompt}}. {{detail_prompt}}. Where are they from? What are they doing here? What are their goals? Make sure to phrase the backstory in the second person, starting with "you are" and speaking directly to {{name}}. world_generate_character_broadcast_name: | Generating character: {{name}} world_generate_character_broadcast_items: | Generating {{item_count}} items for character: {{name}} world_generate_link_broadcast_portals: | Generating {{portal_count}} portals for room: {{name}} world_generate_error_name_exists: | The name '{{name}}' already exists in the world. Please generate a unique name. world_generate_error_name_json: | The name '{{name}}' is not valid. The name cannot contain any JSON or function calls. world_generate_error_name_punctuation: | The name '{{name}}' is not valid. The name cannot contain any quotes, colons, or other sentence punctuation. Apostrophes are allowed in names like "O'Connell" or "D'Artagnan". world_generate_error_name_length: | The name '{{name}}' is too long. Please generate a shorter name with fewer than 50 characters. # world simulation world_simulate_character_action: | You are currently in the {{room | name}} room. {{room | describe}}. {{attributes}}. The room contains the following characters: {{visible_characters}}. The room contains the following items: {{visible_items}}. Your inventory contains the following items: {{character_items}}. You can take the following actions: {{actions}}. You can move in the following directions: {{directions}}. {{notes_prompt}} {{events_prompt}} What will you do next? Reply with a JSON function call, calling one of the actions. You can only perform one action per turn. What is your next action? world_simulate_character_planning: | You are about to start your turn. Plan your next action carefully. Take notes and schedule events to help keep track of your goals. You can check your notes for important facts or check your calendar for upcoming events. You have {{note_count}} notes. If you have plans with other characters, schedule them on your calendar. You have {{event_count}} events on your calendar. {{room_summary}} Think about your goals and any quests that you are working on, and plan your next action accordingly. Try to keep your notes accurate and up-to-date. Replace or erase old notes when they are no longer accurate or useful. Do not keeps notes about upcoming events, use your calendar for that. You can perform up to 3 planning actions in a single turn. When you are done planning, reply with 'END'. {{notes_prompt}} {{events_prompt}} world_simulate_character_planning_done: | You are done planning your turn. world_simulate_character_planning_notes_some: | Your recent notes are: {{notes}} world_simulate_character_planning_notes_none: | You have no recent notes. world_simulate_character_planning_events_some: | Your upcoming events are: {{events}} world_simulate_character_planning_events_none: | You have no upcoming events. world_simulate_character_planning_events_item: | {{}} in {{turns}} turns