from json import loads from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal from uuid import uuid4 from pydantic import Field from .base import dataclass from .entity import Actor, Item, Room, WorldEntity def uuid() -> str: return uuid4().hex class BaseEvent: """ A base event class. """ id: str type: str @dataclass class GenerateEvent(BaseEvent): """ A new entity has been generated. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "generate" name: str entity: WorldEntity | None = None @staticmethod def from_name(name: str) -> "GenerateEvent": return GenerateEvent(name=name) @staticmethod def from_entity(entity: WorldEntity) -> "GenerateEvent": return GenerateEvent(, entity=entity) @dataclass class ActionEvent(BaseEvent): """ An actor has taken an action. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "action" action: str parameters: Dict[str, bool | float | int | str] room: Room actor: Actor item: Item | None = None @staticmethod def from_json(json: str, room: Room, actor: Actor) -> "ActionEvent": openai_json = loads(json) return ActionEvent( action=openai_json["function"], parameters=openai_json["parameters"], room=room, actor=actor, item=None, ) @dataclass class PromptEvent(BaseEvent): """ A prompt for an actor to take an action. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "prompt" prompt: str room: Room actor: Actor @dataclass class ReplyEvent(BaseEvent): """ An actor has replied with text. This is the non-JSON version of an ActionEvent. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "reply" text: str room: Room actor: Actor @staticmethod def from_text(text: str, room: Room, actor: Actor) -> "ReplyEvent": return ReplyEvent(text=text, room=room, actor=actor) @dataclass class ResultEvent(BaseEvent): """ A result of an action. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "result" result: str room: Room actor: Actor @dataclass class StatusEvent(BaseEvent): """ A status broadcast event with text. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "status" text: str room: Room | None = None actor: Actor | None = None @dataclass class SnapshotEvent(BaseEvent): """ A snapshot of the world state. This one is slightly unusual, because the world has already been dumped to a JSON-compatible dictionary. That is especially important for the memory, which is a dictionary of actor names to lists of messages. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "snapshot" world: Dict[str, Any] memory: Dict[str, List[Any]] step: int @dataclass class PlayerEvent(BaseEvent): """ A player joining or leaving the game. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "player" status: Literal["join", "leave"] character: str client: str @dataclass class PlayerListEvent(BaseEvent): """ A list of players in the game and the characters they are playing. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "players" players: Dict[str, str] @dataclass class RenderEvent(BaseEvent): """ Images have been rendered. """ id = Field(default_factory=uuid) type = "render" paths: List[str] source: "GameEvent" # event types WorldEvent = ActionEvent | PromptEvent | ReplyEvent | ResultEvent | StatusEvent PlayerEventType = PlayerEvent | PlayerListEvent GameEvent = GenerateEvent | PlayerEventType | RenderEvent | WorldEvent # callback types EventCallback = Callable[[GameEvent], None]