from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple from packit.agent import Agent from adventure.game_system import GameSystem from adventure.models.entity import Actor, Room, World from adventure.models.event import GameEvent current_broadcast: Callable[[str | GameEvent], None] | None = None current_world: World | None = None current_room: Room | None = None current_actor: Actor | None = None current_step = 0 dungeon_master: Agent | None = None game_systems: List[GameSystem] = [] # TODO: where should this one go? actor_agents: Dict[str, Tuple[Actor, Agent]] = {} def broadcast(message: str | GameEvent): if current_broadcast: current_broadcast(message) def has_dungeon_master(): return dungeon_master is not None # region context getters def get_current_context() -> Tuple[World, Room, Actor]: if not current_world: raise ValueError( "The current world must be set before calling action functions" ) if not current_room: raise ValueError("The current room must be set before calling action functions") if not current_actor: raise ValueError( "The current actor must be set before calling action functions" ) return (current_world, current_room, current_actor) def get_current_world() -> World | None: return current_world def get_current_room() -> Room | None: return current_room def get_current_actor() -> Actor | None: return current_actor def get_current_broadcast(): return current_broadcast def get_current_step() -> int: return current_step def get_dungeon_master() -> Agent: if not dungeon_master: raise ValueError( "The dungeon master must be set before calling action functions" ) return dungeon_master def get_game_systems() -> List[GameSystem]: return game_systems # endregion # region context setters def set_current_broadcast(broadcast): global current_broadcast current_broadcast = broadcast def set_current_world(world: World | None): global current_world current_world = world def set_current_room(room: Room | None): global current_room current_room = room def set_current_actor(actor: Actor | None): global current_actor current_actor = actor def set_current_step(step: int): global current_step current_step = step def set_actor_agent(name, actor, agent): actor_agents[name] = (actor, agent) def set_dungeon_master(agent): global dungeon_master dungeon_master = agent def set_game_systems(systems: Sequence[GameSystem]): global game_systems game_systems = list(systems) # endregion # region search functions def get_actor_for_agent(agent): return next( ( inner_actor for inner_actor, inner_agent in actor_agents.values() if inner_agent == agent ), None, ) def get_agent_for_actor(actor): return next( ( inner_agent for inner_actor, inner_agent in actor_agents.values() if inner_actor == actor ), None, ) def get_actor_agent_for_name(name): return next( ( (actor, agent) for actor, agent in actor_agents.values() if == name.lower() ), (None, None), ) def get_all_actor_agents(): return list(actor_agents.values()) # endregion