Fork 0

68 lines
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from adventure.context import action_context
from adventure.utils.search import find_item_in_actor
def action_cook(item: str) -> str:
Cook an item from your inventory.
item: The name of the item to cook.
with action_context() as (_, action_actor):
target_item = find_item_in_actor(action_actor, item)
if target_item is None:
return "You don't have the item to cook."
# Check if the item is edible
edible = target_item.attributes.get("edible", False)
if not edible:
return "You can't cook that."
# Check if the item is raw
cooked = target_item.attributes.get("cooked", False)
if cooked:
return "That item is already cooked."
# Cook the item
target_item.attributes["cooked"] = True
return f"You cook the {item}."
def action_eat(item: str) -> str:
Eat an item from your inventory.
item: The name of the item to eat.
with action_context() as (_, action_actor):
target_item = find_item_in_actor(action_actor, item)
if target_item is None:
return "You don't have the item to eat."
# Check if the item is edible
edible = target_item.attributes.get("edible", False)
if not edible:
return "You can't eat that."
# Check if the item is cooked
cooked = target_item.attributes.get("cooked", False)
if not cooked:
return "You can't eat that raw."
# Check if the item is rotten
spoiled = target_item.attributes.get("spoiled", False)
if spoiled:
return "You can't eat that item, it is rotten."
# Check if the actor is hungry
hunger = action_actor.attributes.get("hunger", None)
if hunger != "hungry":
return "You're not hungry."
# Eat the item
action_actor.attributes["hunger"] = "full"
return f"You eat the {item}."