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219 lines
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Raw Normal View History

from argparse import ArgumentParser
2023-02-22 03:16:34 +00:00
from logging import getLogger
from os import path
from typing import Dict, Literal
2023-02-22 03:16:34 +00:00
import numpy as np
import torch
from onnx import TensorProto, load, numpy_helper
from onnx.checker import check_model
from onnx.external_data_helper import (
from safetensors.torch import load_file
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
from onnx_web.convert.utils import ConversionContext
2023-02-22 03:16:34 +00:00
logger = getLogger(__name__)
# everything in this file is still super experimental and may not produce valid ONNX models
def fix_initializer_name(key: str):
# lora_unet_up_blocks_3_attentions_2_transformer_blocks_0_attn2_to_out_0.lora_down.weight
# lora, unet, up_block.3.attentions.2.transformer_blocks.0.attn2.to_out.0
return key.replace(".", "_")
2023-02-22 05:50:27 +00:00
def fix_node_name(key: str):
fixed_name = fix_initializer_name(key.replace("/", "_"))
if fixed_name[0] == "_":
return fixed_name[1:]
return fixed_name
def merge_lora(
base_name: str,
lora_names: str,
dest_path: str,
dest_type: Literal["text_encoder", "unet"],
lora_weights: "np.NDArray[np.float64]" = None,
base_model = load(base_name)
lora_models = [load_file(name) for name in lora_names]
lora_count = len(lora_models)
lora_weights = lora_weights or (np.ones((lora_count)) / lora_count)
if dest_type == "text_encoder":
lora_prefix = "lora_te_"
lora_prefix = f"lora_{dest_type}_"
blended: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}
for lora_name, lora_model, lora_weight in zip(lora_names, lora_models, lora_weights):
logger.info("blending LoRA from %s with weight of %s", lora_name, lora_weight)
for key in lora_model.keys():
if ".lora_down" in key and lora_prefix in key:
base_key = key[: key.index(".lora_down")].replace(
lora_prefix, ""
up_key = key.replace("lora_down", "lora_up")
alpha_key = key[: key.index("lora_down")] + "alpha"
logger.info("blending weights for keys: %s, %s, %s", key, up_key, alpha_key)
down_weight = lora_model[key].to(dtype=torch.float32)
up_weight = lora_model[up_key].to(dtype=torch.float32)
dim = down_weight.size()[0]
alpha = lora_model.get(alpha_key, dim).to(torch.float32).numpy()
if len(up_weight.size()) == 2:
# blend for nn.Linear
logger.info("blending weights for Linear node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha)
weights = up_weight @ down_weight
np_weights = (weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim))
elif len(up_weight.size()) == 4 and up_weight.shape[-2:] == (1, 1):
# blend for nn.Conv2d 1x1
logger.info("blending weights for Conv node: %s, %s, %s", down_weight.shape, up_weight.shape, alpha)
weights = (
@ down_weight.squeeze(3).squeeze(2)
np_weights = (weights.numpy() * (alpha / dim))
# TODO: add support for Conv2d 3x3
logger.warning("unknown LoRA node type at %s: %s", base_key, up_weight.shape[-2:])
np_weights *= lora_weight
if base_key in blended:
blended[base_key] += np_weights
blended[base_key] = np_weights
except Exception:
"error blending weights for key %s", base_key
"updating %s of %s initializers: %s",
fixed_initializer_names = [
fix_initializer_name(node.name) for node in base_model.graph.initializer
# logger.info("fixed initializer names: %s", fixed_initializer_names)
fixed_node_names = [
fix_node_name(node.name) for node in base_model.graph.node
# logger.info("fixed node names: %s", fixed_node_names)
for base_key, weights in blended.items():
conv_key = base_key + "_Conv"
matmul_key = base_key + "_MatMul"
logger.info("key %s has conv: %s, matmul: %s", base_key, conv_key in fixed_node_names, matmul_key in fixed_node_names)
if conv_key in fixed_node_names:
conv_idx = fixed_node_names.index(conv_key)
conv_node = base_model.graph.node[conv_idx]
logger.info("found conv node: %s", conv_node.name)
# find weight initializer
logger.info("conv inputs: %s", conv_node.input)
weight_name = [n for n in conv_node.input if ".weight" in n][0]
weight_name = fix_initializer_name(weight_name)
weight_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(weight_name)
weight_node = base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx]
logger.info("found weight initializer: %s", weight_node.name)
# blending
base_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(weight_node)
logger.info("found blended weights for conv: %s, %s", weights.shape, base_weights.shape)
blended = base_weights.squeeze((3, 2)) + weights.squeeze((3, 2))
blended = np.expand_dims(blended, (2, 3))
logger.info("blended weight shape: %s", blended.shape)
# replace the original initializer
updated_node = numpy_helper.from_array(blended, weight_node.name)
del base_model.graph.initializer[weight_idx]
base_model.graph.initializer.insert(weight_idx, updated_node)
elif matmul_key in fixed_node_names:
weight_idx = fixed_node_names.index(matmul_key)
weight_node = base_model.graph.node[weight_idx]
logger.info("found matmul node: %s", weight_node.name)
# find the MatMul initializer
logger.info("matmul inputs: %s", weight_node.input)
matmul_name = [n for n in weight_node.input if "MatMul" in n][0]
matmul_idx = fixed_initializer_names.index(matmul_name)
matmul_node = base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx]
logger.info("found matmul initializer: %s", matmul_node.name)
# blending
base_weights = numpy_helper.to_array(matmul_node)
logger.info("found blended weights for matmul: %s, %s", weights.shape, base_weights.shape)
blended = base_weights + weights.transpose()
logger.info("blended weight shape: %s", blended.shape)
# replace the original initializer
updated_node = numpy_helper.from_array(blended, matmul_node.name)
del base_model.graph.initializer[matmul_idx]
base_model.graph.initializer.insert(matmul_idx, updated_node)
logger.info("could not find any nodes for %s", base_key)
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
logger.info("node counts: %s -> %s, %s -> %s", len(fixed_initializer_names), len(base_model.graph.initializer), len(fixed_node_names), len(base_model.graph.node))
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
# save it back to disk
# TODO: save to memory instead
bare_model = write_external_data_tensors(base_model, dest_path)
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
dest_file = path.join(dest_path, f"lora-{dest_type}.onnx")
with open(dest_file, "wb") as model_file:
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
logger.info("model saved, checking...")
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
logger.info("model successfully exported")
2023-02-25 13:40:51 +00:00
2023-02-22 03:16:34 +00:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--base", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--dest", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--type", type=str, choices=["text_encoder", "unet"])
parser.add_argument("--lora_models", nargs='+', type=str)
parser.add_argument("--lora_weights", nargs='+', type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()
logger.info("merging %s with %s with weights: %s", args.lora_models, args.base, args.lora_weights)
merge_lora(args.base, args.lora_models, args.dest, args.type, args.lora_weights)