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Sean Sube ce759caeff feat(build): add release target 2023-01-06 15:32:25 -06:00
.vscode feat: add vscode workspace with subdir roots 2023-01-05 13:45:26 -06:00
api fix(api): improve image layer order 2023-01-06 14:17:06 -06:00
common feat(build): add release target 2023-01-06 15:32:25 -06:00
docs fix(docs): explain running containers 2023-01-06 14:40:17 -06:00
gui fix(gui): copy bundle to correct path within nginx image 2023-01-06 15:13:37 -06:00
models feat: add model and output directories 2023-01-05 15:37:30 -06:00
outputs feat: add model and output directories 2023-01-05 15:37:30 -06:00
.gitignore feat: add model and output directories 2023-01-05 15:37:30 -06:00
.gitlab-ci.yml fix(build): correct base OS for GUI nginx image 2023-01-06 15:11:12 -06:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2023-01-05 10:44:44 -06:00
Makefile feat(build): add root makefile and common targets 2023-01-05 15:03:34 -06:00
README.md fix(docs): update readme to use nginx image for GUI 2023-01-06 15:19:19 -06:00
onnx-web.code-workspace lint: add common terms to workspace dict 2023-01-05 15:48:58 -06:00
renovate.json Add renovate.json 2023-01-05 13:10:52 -06:00



This is a rudimentary web UI for ONNX models, providing a way to run GPU-accelerated models on Windows and even AMD with a remote web interface.

This is still fairly early and instructions are a little rough, but it works on my machine. If I keep working on this for more than a week, I would like to add img2img and Nvidia support.

txt2img with example astronaut prompt and image

Based on guides by:


  • REST API server capable of running ONNX models with DirectML acceleration
    • AMD hardware acceleration
    • CPU software fallback
    • multiple schedulers
  • web app to generate and view images
    • can be hosted alongside API or on a CDN
    • built with React and MUI
  • txt2img mode
    • outputs are saved to file
    • show image history



This is a very similar process to what harishanand95 and averad's gists recommend, split up into a few steps:

  1. Install Git and Python, if you have not already
  2. Create a virtual environment
  3. Install pip packages
  4. Install ORT Nightly package
  5. Download and convert models

Note about setup paths

This project contains both Javascript and Python, for the client and server respectively. Make sure you are in the correct directory when working with each part.

Most of these setup commands should be run in the Python environment and the api/ directory:

> cd api
> pwd

The Python virtual environment will be created within the api/ directory.

The Javascript client can be built and run within the gui/ directory.

Install Git and Python

Install Git and Python 3.10 for your environment:

The latest version of git should be fine. Python must be 3.10 or earlier, 3.10 seems to work well. If you already have Python installed for another form of Stable Diffusion, that should work, but make sure to verify the version in the next step.

Create a virtual environment

Make sure you have Python 3.10 or earlier, then create a virtual environment:

> python --version
Python 3.10

> pip install virtualenv

> python -m venv onnx_env

This will contain all of the pip libraries. If you update or reinstall Python, you will need to recreate the virtual environment.

Every time you start using ONNX web, activate the virtual environment:

# on linux:
> source ./onnx_env/bin/activate

# on windows:
> .\onnx_env\Scripts\Activate.bat

Update pip itself:

> python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Install pip packages

Install the following packages for AI:

> pip install numpy>=1.20,<1.24   # version is important, 1.24 removed the deprecated np.float symbol
> pip install accelerate diffusers transformers ftfy spacy scipy
> pip install onnx onnxruntime torch
# TODO: is pytorch needed?

If you are running on Windows, install the DirectML ONNX runtime as well:

> pip install onnxruntime-directml --force-reinstall

Install the following packages for the web UI:

> pip install flask stringcase

Or install all of these packages at once using the requirements.txt file:

> pip install -r requirements.txt

At the moment, only numpy seems to need a specific version. If you see an error about np.float, make sure you are not using numpy>=1.24. This SO question has more details.

I got a warning about an incompatibility in protobuf when installing the onnxruntime-directml package, but have not seen any issues. Some of the gist guides recommend diffusers=0.3.0, but I had trouble with old versions of diffusers before 0.6.0 or so. If I can determine a good set of working versions, I will pin them in requirements.txt.

Install ORT nightly package

Download the latest DirectML ORT nightly package for your version of Python and install it with pip.

Downloads can be found at https://aiinfra.visualstudio.com/PublicPackages/_artifacts/feed/ORT-Nightly. If you are using Python 3.10, download the cp310 package. For Python 3.9, download the cp39 package, and so on.

> pip install ~/Downloads/ort_nightly_directml-1.14.0.dev20221214001-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl --force-reinstall

Make sure to include the --force-reinstall flag, since it requires some older versions of other packages, and will overwrite the versions you currently have installed.

Download and convert models

Sign up for an account at https://huggingface.co and find the models you want to use. Popular options include:

Log into the HuggingFace CLI:

> huggingface-cli.exe login

Issue an API token from https://huggingface.co/settings/tokens, naming it something memorable like onnx-web, and then paste it into the prompt.

Download the conversion script from the huggingface/diffusers repository to the root of this project:

Run the conversion script with your desired model(s):

> python convert_stable_diffusion_checkpoint_to_onnx.py \
    --model_path="runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" \

This will take a little while to convert each model. Stable diffusion v1.4 is about 6GB, v1.5 is at least 10GB or so.

You can verify that all of the steps up to this point worked correctly by attempting to run the api/setup-test.py script, which is a slight variation on the original txt2img script.


Configuring and running the server

The server relies mostly on two paths, the models and outputs. It will make sure both paths exist when it starts up, and will exit with an error if the models path does not.

Both of those paths exist in the git repository, with placeholder files to make sure they exist. You should not have to create them, if you are using the default settings. You can customize the paths by setting ONNX_WEB_MODEL_PATH and ONNX_WEB_OUTPUT_PATH, if your models exist somewhere else or you want output written to another disk, for example.

In the api/ directory, run the server with Flask:

> flask --app serve run

Note the IP address this prints.

If you want to access the server from other machines on your local network, pass the --host argument:

> flask --app serve run --host

This will listen for requests from your current local network and may be dangerous.

Securing the server

When making the server publicly visible, make sure to use appropriately restrictive firewall rules along with it, and consider using a web application firewall to help prevent malicious requests.

Configuring and hosting the client

From within the gui/ directory, edit the gui/examples/config.json file so that api.root is the URL printed out by the flask run command from earlier. It should look something like this:

  "api": {
    "root": ""

Still in the gui/ directory, build the UI bundle and run the dev server with Node:

> make bundle

> node serve.js

Using the web interface

You should be able to access the web interface at or your local machine's hostname.

  • If you get a Connection Refused error, make sure you are using the correct address and the dev server is still running.
  • If you get a File not found error, make sure you have built the UI bundle (make bundle) and are using the /index.html path

The txt2img tab will be active by default, with an example prompt. You can press the Generate button and an image should appear on the page 10-15 seconds later (depending on your GPU and other hardware). The last four images will be shown, along with the parameters used to generate them.

Running from containers

OCI images are available for both the API and GUI, ssube/onnx-web-api and ssube/onnx-web-gui, respectively. These are regularly built from the main branch and for all tags.

The ssube/onnx-web-gui image is available in both Debian and Alpine-based versions, but the ssube/onnx-web-api image is only available as a Debian-based image, due to this Github issue with onnxruntime.

When using the containers, make sure to mount the models/ and outputs/ directories. The models directory can be read-only, but outputs should be read-write.

> podman run -p 5000:5000 --rm -v ../models:/models:ro -v ../outputs:/outputs:rw docker.io/ssube/onnx-web-api:main-buster

> podman run -p 8000:80 --rm docker.io/ssube/onnx-web-gui:main-nginx-bullseye

Customizing the config

You can customize the config file to change the default model, platform (hardware acceleration), scheduler, and prompt. If you have a good base or example prompt, you can set that in the config file:

  "default": {
    "model": "stable-diffusion-onnx-v1-5",
    "platform": "amd",
    "scheduler": "euler-a",
    "prompt": "an astronaut eating a hamburger"

When running the dev server, node serve.js, the config file at out/config.json will be loaded. If you want to load a different config file, save it to your home directory named onnx-web-config.json and copy it into the output directory after building the bundle:

> make bundle && cp -v ~/onnx-web-config.json out/config.json

When running the container, you can mount the config at /usr/share/nginx/html/config.json using:

> podman run -p 8000:80 --rm -v ~/onnx-web-config.json:/usr/share/nginx/html/config.json:ro docker.io/ssube/onnx-web-gui:main-nginx-bullseye