Fork 0

453 lines
14 KiB

from enum import IntEnum
from logging import getLogger
from math import ceil
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
from .models.meta import NetworkModel
from .torch_before_ort import GraphOptimizationLevel, SessionOptions
logger = getLogger(__name__)
Param = Union[str, int, float]
Point = Tuple[int, int]
class SizeChart(IntEnum):
unlimited = 0
mini = 128 # small tile for very expensive models
half = 256 # half tile for outpainting
auto = 512 # auto tile size
hd1k = 2**10
hd2k = 2**11
hd4k = 2**12
hd8k = 2**13
hd16k = 2**14
hd32k = 2**15
hd64k = 2**16
class TileOrder:
grid = "grid"
kernel = "kernel"
spiral = "spiral"
class Border:
def __init__(self, left: int, right: int, top: int, bottom: int) -> None:
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.top = top
self.bottom = bottom
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "(%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (self.left, self.right, self.top, self.bottom)
def tojson(self):
return {
"left": self.left,
"right": self.right,
"top": self.top,
"bottom": self.bottom,
def with_args(self, **kwargs):
return Border(
kwargs.get("left", self.left),
kwargs.get("right", self.right),
kwargs.get("top", self.top),
kwargs.get("bottom", self.bottom),
def even(cls, all: int):
return Border(all, all, all, all)
class Size:
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int) -> None:
self.width = width
self.height = height
def __iter__(self):
return iter([self.width, self.height])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%sx%s" % (self.width, self.height)
def add_border(self, border: Border):
return Size(
border.left + self.width + border.right,
border.top + self.height + border.bottom,
def round_to_tile(self, tile=512):
return Size(
ceil(self.width / tile) * tile,
ceil(self.height / tile) * tile,
def tojson(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
return {
"width": self.width,
"height": self.height,
def with_args(self, **kwargs):
return Size(
kwargs.get("width", self.width),
kwargs.get("height", self.height),
class DeviceParams:
def __init__(
device: str,
provider: str,
options: Optional[dict] = None,
optimizations: Optional[List[str]] = None,
) -> None:
self.device = device
self.provider = provider
self.options = options
self.optimizations = optimizations or []
self.sess_options_cache = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "%s - %s (%s)" % (self.device, self.provider, self.options)
def ort_provider(
self, model_type: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, Any]]:
if model_type is not None:
# check if model has been pinned to CPU
# TODO: check whether the CPU device is allowed
if f"onnx-cpu-{model_type}" in self.optimizations:
return "CPUExecutionProvider"
if self.options is None:
return self.provider
return (self.provider, self.options)
def sess_options(self, cache=True) -> SessionOptions:
if cache and self.sess_options_cache is not None:
return self.sess_options_cache
sess = SessionOptions()
if "onnx-low-memory" in self.optimizations:
logger.debug("enabling ONNX low-memory optimizations")
sess.enable_cpu_mem_arena = False
sess.enable_mem_pattern = False
sess.enable_mem_reuse = False
if "onnx-graph-disable" in self.optimizations:
logger.debug("disabling all ONNX graph optimizations")
sess.graph_optimization_level = GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_DISABLE_ALL
elif "onnx-graph-basic" in self.optimizations:
logger.debug("enabling basic ONNX graph optimizations")
sess.graph_optimization_level = GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_BASIC
elif "onnx-graph-all" in self.optimizations:
logger.debug("enabling all ONNX graph optimizations")
sess.graph_optimization_level = GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL
if "onnx-deterministic-compute" in self.optimizations:
logger.debug("enabling ONNX deterministic compute")
sess.use_deterministic_compute = True
if cache:
self.sess_options_cache = sess
return sess
def torch_str(self) -> str:
if self.device.startswith("cuda"):
if self.options is not None and "device_id" in self.options:
return f"{self.device}:{self.options['device_id']}"
return self.device
elif self.device.startswith("rocm"):
if self.options is not None and "device_id" in self.options:
return f"cuda:{self.options['device_id']}"
return "cuda"
return "cpu"
class ImageParams:
model: str
pipeline: str
scheduler: str
prompt: str
cfg: float
steps: int
seed: int
negative_prompt: Optional[str]
lpw: bool
eta: float
batch: int
control: Optional[NetworkModel]
input_prompt: str
input_negative_prompt: str
loopback: int
tiled_vae: bool
tiles: int
overlap: float
def __init__(
model: str,
pipeline: str,
scheduler: str,
prompt: str,
cfg: float,
steps: int,
seed: int,
negative_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
eta: float = 0.0,
batch: int = 1,
control: Optional[NetworkModel] = None,
input_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
input_negative_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
loopback: int = 0,
tiled_vae: bool = False,
tiles: int = 512,
overlap: float = 0.25,
stride: int = 64,
) -> None:
self.model = model
self.pipeline = pipeline
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.prompt = prompt
self.cfg = cfg
self.steps = steps
self.seed = seed
self.negative_prompt = negative_prompt
self.eta = eta
self.batch = batch
self.control = control
self.input_prompt = input_prompt or prompt
self.input_negative_prompt = input_negative_prompt or negative_prompt
self.loopback = loopback
self.tiled_vae = tiled_vae
self.tiles = tiles
self.overlap = overlap
self.stride = stride
def do_cfg(self):
return self.cfg > 1.0
def get_valid_pipeline(self, group: str, pipeline: str = None) -> str:
pipeline = pipeline or self.pipeline
# if the correct pipeline was already requested, simply use that
if group == pipeline:
return pipeline
# otherwise, check for additional allowed pipelines
if group == "img2img":
if pipeline in ["controlnet", "lpw", "panorama", "pix2pix"]:
return pipeline
elif group == "inpaint":
if pipeline in ["controlnet", "lpw", "panorama"]:
return pipeline
elif group == "txt2img":
if pipeline in ["lpw", "panorama"]:
return pipeline
logger.debug("pipeline %s is not valid for %s", pipeline, group)
return group
def lpw(self):
return self.pipeline == "lpw"
def tojson(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[Param]]:
return {
"model": self.model,
"pipeline": self.pipeline,
"scheduler": self.scheduler,
"prompt": self.prompt,
"negative_prompt": self.negative_prompt,
"cfg": self.cfg,
"seed": self.seed,
"steps": self.steps,
"eta": self.eta,
"batch": self.batch,
"control": self.control.name if self.control is not None else "",
"input_prompt": self.input_prompt,
"input_negative_prompt": self.input_negative_prompt,
"loopback": self.loopback,
"tiled_vae": self.tiled_vae,
"tiles": self.tiles,
"overlap": self.overlap,
"stride": self.stride,
def with_args(self, **kwargs):
return ImageParams(
kwargs.get("model", self.model),
kwargs.get("pipeline", self.pipeline),
kwargs.get("scheduler", self.scheduler),
kwargs.get("prompt", self.prompt),
kwargs.get("cfg", self.cfg),
kwargs.get("steps", self.steps),
kwargs.get("seed", self.seed),
kwargs.get("negative_prompt", self.negative_prompt),
kwargs.get("eta", self.eta),
kwargs.get("batch", self.batch),
kwargs.get("control", self.control),
kwargs.get("input_prompt", self.input_prompt),
kwargs.get("input_negative_prompt", self.input_negative_prompt),
kwargs.get("loopback", self.loopback),
kwargs.get("tiled_vae", self.tiled_vae),
kwargs.get("tiles", self.tiles),
kwargs.get("overlap", self.overlap),
kwargs.get("stride", self.stride),
class StageParams:
Parameters for a chained pipeline stage
def __init__(
name: Optional[str] = None,
outscale: int = 1,
tile_order: str = TileOrder.grid,
tile_size: int = SizeChart.auto,
# batch_size: int = 1,
) -> None:
self.name = name
self.outscale = outscale
self.tile_order = tile_order
self.tile_size = tile_size
class UpscaleParams:
def __init__(
upscale_model: str,
correction_model: Optional[str] = None,
denoise: float = 0.5,
face_outscale: int = 1,
face_strength: float = 0.5,
format: Literal["onnx", "pth"] = "onnx", # TODO: deprecated, remove
outscale: int = 1,
scale: int = 4,
pre_pad: int = 0,
tile_pad: int = 10,
upscale_order: Literal[
"correction-first", "correction-last", "correction-both"
] = "correction-first",
) -> None:
self.upscale_model = upscale_model
self.correction_model = correction_model
self.denoise = denoise
self.faces = faces
self.face_outscale = face_outscale
self.face_strength = face_strength
self.format = format
self.outscale = outscale
self.pre_pad = pre_pad
self.scale = scale
self.tile_pad = tile_pad
self.upscale_order = upscale_order
def rescale(self, scale: int):
return UpscaleParams(
def resize(self, size: Size) -> Size:
face_outscale = self.face_outscale
if self.upscale_order == "correction-both":
face_outscale *= self.face_outscale
return Size(
size.width * self.outscale * face_outscale,
size.height * self.outscale * face_outscale,
def tojson(self):
return {
"upscale_model": self.upscale_model,
"correction_model": self.correction_model,
"denoise": self.denoise,
"faces": self.faces,
"face_outscale": self.face_outscale,
"face_strength": self.face_strength,
"format": self.format,
"outscale": self.outscale,
"pre_pad": self.pre_pad,
"scale": self.scale,
"tile_pad": self.tile_pad,
"upscale_order": self.upscale_order,
def with_args(self, **kwargs):
return UpscaleParams(
kwargs.get("upscale_model", self.upscale_model),
kwargs.get("correction_model", self.correction_model),
kwargs.get("denoise", self.denoise),
kwargs.get("faces", self.faces),
kwargs.get("face_outscale", self.face_outscale),
kwargs.get("face_strength", self.face_strength),
kwargs.get("format", self.format),
kwargs.get("outscale", self.outscale),
kwargs.get("scale", self.scale),
kwargs.get("pre_pad", self.pre_pad),
kwargs.get("tile_pad", self.tile_pad),
kwargs.get("upscale_order", self.upscale_order),
class HighresParams:
def __init__(
enabled: bool,
scale: int,
steps: int,
strength: float,
method: Literal["bilinear", "lanczos", "upscale"] = "lanczos",
iterations: int = 1,
self.enabled = enabled
self.scale = scale
self.steps = steps
self.strength = strength
self.method = method
self.iterations = iterations
def resize(self, size: Size) -> Size:
return Size(
size.width * (self.scale**self.iterations),
size.height * (self.scale**self.iterations),
def tojson(self):
return {
"enabled": self.enabled,
"iterations": self.iterations,
"method": self.method,
"scale": self.scale,
"steps": self.steps,
"strength": self.strength,