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chatbot with observables, modules, nlp, and other fun stuff
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dependabot[bot] ba5c79c057 build(deps): bump jose from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6
Bumps [jose](https://github.com/panva/jose) from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/panva/jose/releases)
- [Changelog](https://github.com/panva/jose/blob/v2.0.6/CHANGELOG.md)
- [Commits](https://github.com/panva/jose/compare/v2.0.5...v2.0.6)

- dependency-name: jose
  dependency-type: indirect

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
2022-09-23 10:17:09 -05:00
.github feat(listener/express): make body size limit configurable 2020-09-19 22:25:32 -05:00
config update: update node.js to v16.14 2022-03-23 17:06:04 +00:00
deploy feat(generator): split interval producer from generator service 2019-10-19 16:22:26 -05:00
docs first pass at making redirects make sense 2021-04-17 17:00:32 -05:00
scripts fix(scripts): filter PR approval by author 2019-12-29 10:09:22 -06:00
src fix: better error handling for TS 4.5 2022-02-07 14:30:32 +00:00
test fix(tests): cover math ctrl 2021-04-17 17:00:32 -05:00
vendor fix(tests): improve yaml include tests 2019-09-30 06:57:20 -05:00
.codeclimate.yml fix(build): replace tslint with eslint in codeclimate 2019-11-09 13:23:41 -06:00
.dockerignore begin moving to templated files 2019-09-30 06:57:20 -05:00
.gitignore feat(controller/github): request approval controller 2020-09-16 18:47:23 -05:00
.gitlab-ci.yml remove(build): codecov job 2021-06-12 16:01:15 -05:00
.licensed.yml chore: license check target and config 2019-01-14 09:57:02 -06:00
.mdlrc markdown lint rule fixes 2018-05-13 11:20:28 -05:00
.npmignore feat(template): entries helper iterates dicts as well 2019-10-03 21:34:34 -05:00
.npmrc fix(build): use npm package mirror 2019-09-26 20:14:57 -05:00
CHANGELOG.md chore(release): 0.11.0 2021-07-10 14:55:24 -05:00
Dockerfile.alpine update: update node.js to v18 2022-04-21 05:21:15 +00:00
Dockerfile.stretch update: update node.js to v18 2022-04-21 05:21:15 +00:00
LICENSE.md break down all the classes, structure everything, make it build (next up: run) 2018-04-21 16:08:33 -05:00
Makefile fix(build): remove test files from coverage 2020-09-07 18:49:03 -05:00
README.md fix(build): set docker TLS options 2021-08-05 22:14:01 -05:00
package.json fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities 2022-07-30 07:25:16 -05:00
renovate.json fix: schedule octokit updates 2021-06-11 10:18:21 -05:00
run.mk update: rollup template 2020-09-07 15:07:42 -05:00
tsconfig.json copy template from noicejs 2018-04-21 10:46:11 -05:00
yarn.lock build(deps): bump jose from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 2022-09-23 10:17:09 -05:00



Chat bot able to speak natural language and markup, prompt to complete commands, and offer localized help. Configured with schema-validated YAML, features JWT authentication with granular RBAC, and SQL persistence. Listeners for common chat services, controllers for chat functions and devops tools, and inspired by the Kubernetes API.

Getting Started

The bot interacts through Discord and Slack, Github and Gitlab comments and webhooks, and a GraphQL API.

The getting started guide has more information on using the bot.



Pipeline status Lines of Code Test Coverage MIT license FOSSA Status

Open bug count Open issue count Closed issue count

Renovate badge Dependency status Dev dependency status Known vulnerabilities

Maintainability score Technical debt ratio Quality issues Language grade: JavaScript Total alerts


github release link github release version github commits since release

npm package link npm release version Typescript definitions

docker image link docker image size


To build and run the bot locally, you will need make, node, and yarn installed globally or a container with the same.

Clone this repository:

> git clone git@github.com:ssube/isolex.git
> cd isolex

Within the project directory, make the bundle:

> make local

yarn install
[1/4] Resolving packages...
Done in 0.65s

 「atl」: Using typescript@3.2.2 from typescript

starting bot...


An example config file is provided in the docs/ directory. This enables most of the core features, but requires some secrets to be defined in the environment.


Deploy to Kubernetes

To deploy the bot into a Kubernetes cluster:

> kubectl create namespace isolex
> kubectl apply -n isolex -f deploy/deploy.yml
> kubectl apply -n isolex -f deploy/service.yml
> kubectl create secret generic isolex-config --dry-run --from-file docs/isolex.yml -o json | kubectl apply -n isolex -f -

Local in Docker

To run the bot locally from the Docker image:

> docker run ssube/isolex:master

Local from Bundle

To run the bot locally from the build bundle:

> source docs/isolex.env
> make run-bunyan

Logs will be piped through bunyan and pretty-printed.


Approve this.