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[Home](./index.md) &gt; [@apextoaster/js-yaml-schema](./js-yaml-schema.md)
## js-yaml-schema package
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [createInclude(options)](./js-yaml-schema.createinclude.md) | <p>Instantiate an include type with a copy of the provided options, returning the include type and its schema setter.</p><p>Includes must be resolved synchronously, which greatly limits where this can be used.</p> |
| [createIncludeSchema(options)](./js-yaml-schema.createincludeschema.md) | Extended schema with the include type, and auto-configuration of the include schema. |
| [createSchema(options)](./js-yaml-schema.createschema.md) | |
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [IncludeOptions](./js-yaml-schema.includeoptions.md) | Additional options for the include type. |
| [IncludeSchemaOptions](./js-yaml-schema.includeschemaoptions.md) | |
| [SchemaOptions](./js-yaml-schema.schemaoptions.md) | |
## Variables
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [envType](./js-yaml-schema.envtype.md) | |
| [regexpType](./js-yaml-schema.regexptype.md) | |
| [streamType](./js-yaml-schema.streamtype.md) | |