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This document covers the project workflow, commit and merge messages, and how to release.


Consistent labels, Scopes, and types are used in conventional commit messages, branch names, and issue labels, thus tying them all together.


  • build
    • .gitlab-ci.yml
    • Makefile
    • *.mk
  • config
    • src/config/*
  • container
    • Dockerfile
  • docs
    • docs/*
  • examples
    • examples/*
  • package
    • package.json
  • parser
    • src/parser/*
  • rules
    • rules/*
  • scripts
    • scripts/*
  • visitor
    • src/visitor/*


  • new
    • unaddressed, potentially unread
  • confirmed
    • type/bug: reproduced
    • type/feature: plausible addition
  • planned
    • initial scope defined
    • ready to be implemented
  • progress
    • branch exists with commits
    • may have a WIP: merge request
  • blocked
    • branch exists with commits
    • waiting for some dependency, prerequisite, etc

Terminal Status

  • fixed
    • type/bug: fix has been implemented and tested
    • type/feature: initial scope has been implemented and tested
  • declined
    • type/bug: could not be reproduced or will not be fixed
    • type/feature: will not be added

Do not close the issue until the corresponding branches have been merged and released.


  • new -> confirmed
    • type/bug: bug has been reproduced and verified
    • type/feature: feature to be planned
  • new -> declined
    • type/bug: bug cannot be reproduced, fix would break existing features, cannot reasonably be implemented, etc
    • type/feature: feature does not fit vision, cannot reasonably be implemented, etc
  • confirmed -> planned
    • type/bug: bug will be fixed
    • type/feature: feature has been researched and initial scope defined
  • confirmed -> declined
    • type/bug: bug will not be fixed
    • type/feature: feature has been researched, but will not be implemented
  • planned -> progress
    • begin writing code
  • progress -> blocked
    • waiting for some prerequisite
  • progress -> fixed
    • type/bug: fix has been implemented and tested
    • type/feature: initial scope has been implemented, tested, and documented
  • progress -> declined
    • branch will not be merged
  • blocked -> declined
    • prerequisite cannot be met


  • feat
    • new features
    • additions to existing features
  • fix
    • bug fixes
  • lint
    • style changes
    • not strictly necessary but improve code quality
  • update
    • dependency updates
    • typically handled by Renovate


Branches should be named after the primary issue they address, with the issue type and number: type/#-issue-title


Issue Labels

Every issue must at least one label from each group: scope/*, status/*, type/*.