Fork 0

split up sections

This commit is contained in:
Sean Sube 2024-05-02 06:56:57 -05:00
parent 42740fc73b
commit 26dbd5d697
Signed by: ssube
GPG Key ID: 3EED7B957D362AF1
7 changed files with 661 additions and 521 deletions

adventure/actions.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
from json import loads
from logging import getLogger
from packit.utils import could_be_json
from adventure.context import get_actor_agent_for_name, get_current_context
logger = getLogger(__name__)
def action_look(target: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} looks at {target}")
if target == action_room.name:
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} saw the {action_room.name} room")
return action_room.description
for actor in action_room.actors:
if actor.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {actor.name} actor in the {action_room.name} room"
return actor.description
for item in action_room.items:
if item.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {item.name} item in the {action_room.name} room"
return item.description
for item in action_actor.items:
if item.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {item.name} item in their inventory"
return item.description
return "You do not see that item or character in the room."
def action_move(direction: str) -> str:
action_world, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
destination_name = action_room.portals.get(direction)
if not destination_name:
return f"You cannot move {direction} from here."
destination_room = next(
(room for room in action_world.rooms if room.name == destination_name), None
if not destination_room:
return f"The {destination_name} room does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} moves {direction} to {destination_name}")
return f"You move {direction} and arrive at {destination_name}."
def action_take(item_name: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
item = next((item for item in action_room.items if item.name == item_name), None)
if item:
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} takes the {item_name} item")
return "You take the {item_name} item and put it in your inventory."
return "The {item_name} item is not in the room."
def action_ask(character: str, question: str) -> str:
# capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten
_, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
if not action_actor or not action_room:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor and room must be set before calling action_ask"
# sanity checks
if character == action_actor.name:
return "You cannot ask yourself a question. Stop talking to yourself."
question_actor, question_agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(character)
if not question_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
if not question_agent:
return f"The {character} character does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} asks {character}: {question}")
answer = question_agent(
f"{action_actor.name} asks you: {question}. Reply with your response. "
f"Do not include the question or any other text, only your reply to {action_actor.name}."
if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer:
answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "")
if len(answer.strip()) > 0:
logger.info(f"{character} responds to {action_actor.name}: {answer}")
return f"{character} responds: {answer}"
return f"{character} does not respond."
def action_tell(character: str, message: str) -> str:
# capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten
_, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
if not action_actor or not action_room:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor and room must be set before calling action_tell"
# sanity checks
if character == action_actor.name:
return "You cannot tell yourself a message. Stop talking to yourself."
question_actor, question_agent = get_actor_agent_for_name(character)
if not question_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
if not question_agent:
return f"The {character} character does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} tells {character}: {message}")
answer = question_agent(
f"{action_actor.name} tells you: {message}. Reply with your response. "
f"Do not include the message or any other text, only your reply to {action_actor.name}."
if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer:
answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "")
if len(answer.strip()) > 0:
logger.info(f"{character} responds to {action_actor.name}: {answer}")
return f"{character} responds: {answer}"
return f"{character} does not respond."
def action_give(character: str, item_name: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = get_current_context()
destination_actor = next(
(actor for actor in action_room.actors if actor.name == character), None
if not destination_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
item = next((item for item in action_actor.items if item.name == item_name), None)
if not item:
return f"You do not have the {item_name} item in your inventory."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} gives {character} the {item_name} item")
return f"You give the {item_name} item to {character}."
def action_stop() -> str:
_, _, action_actor = get_current_context()
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} end their turn")
return "You stop your actions and end your turn."

adventure/context.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from packit.agent import Agent
from adventure.models import Actor
current_world = None
current_room = None
current_actor = None
current_step = 0
# TODO: where should this one go?
actor_agents: Dict[str, Tuple[Actor, Agent]] = {}
def get_current_context():
if not current_world:
raise ValueError(
"The current world must be set before calling action functions"
if not current_room:
raise ValueError("The current room must be set before calling action functions")
if not current_actor:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor must be set before calling action functions"
return (current_world, current_room, current_actor)
def get_current_world():
return current_world
def get_current_room():
return current_room
def get_current_actor():
return current_actor
def set_current_world(world):
global current_world
current_world = world
def set_current_room(room):
global current_room
current_room = room
def set_current_actor(actor):
global current_actor
current_actor = actor
def get_step():
return current_step
def set_step(step):
global current_step
current_step = step
def get_actor_for_agent(agent):
return next(
for inner_actor, inner_agent in actor_agents.values()
if inner_agent == agent
def get_agent_for_actor(actor):
return next(
for inner_actor, inner_agent in actor_agents.values()
if inner_actor == actor
def get_actor_agent_for_name(name):
return next(
(actor, agent)
for actor, agent in actor_agents.values()
if actor.name == name
(None, None),
def set_actor_agent_for_name(name, actor, agent):
actor_agents[name] = (actor, agent)
def get_all_actor_agents():
return list(actor_agents.values())

adventure/generate.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
from logging import getLogger
from random import choice, randint
from typing import List
from packit.agent import Agent
from adventure.models import Actor, Item, Room, World
logger = getLogger(__name__)
def generate_room(agent: Agent, world_theme: str, existing_rooms: List[str]) -> Room:
name = agent(
"Generate one room, area, or location that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. "
"Only respond with the room name, do not include the description or any other text. "
'Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. The existing rooms are: {existing_rooms}',
logger.info(f"Generating room: {name}")
desc = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} area. What does it look like? "
"What does it smell like? What can be seen or heard?",
items = []
actors = []
actions = {}
return Room(
name=name, description=desc, items=items, actors=actors, actions=actions
def generate_item(
agent: Agent,
world_theme: str,
dest_room: str | None = None,
dest_actor: str | None = None,
existing_items: List[str] = [],
) -> Item:
if dest_actor:
dest_note = "The item will be held by the {dest_actor} character"
elif dest_room:
dest_note = "The item will be placed in the {dest_room} room"
dest_note = "The item will be placed in the world"
name = agent(
"Generate one item or object that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. {dest_note}. "
'Only respond with the item name, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. '
"Do not create any duplicate items in the same room. Do not give characters any duplicate items. The existing items are: {existing_items}",
logger.info(f"Generating item: {name}")
desc = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} item. What does it look like? What is it made of? What does it do?",
actions = {}
return Item(name=name, description=desc, actions=actions)
def generate_actor(
agent: Agent, world_theme: str, dest_room: str, existing_actors: List[str] = []
) -> Actor:
name = agent(
"Generate one person or creature that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. The character will be placed in the {dest_room} room. "
'Only respond with the character name, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. '
"Do not create any duplicate characters in the same room. The existing characters are: {existing_actors}",
logger.info(f"Generating actor: {name}")
description = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} character. What do they look like? What are they wearing? "
"What are they doing? Describe their appearance from the perspective of an outside observer.",
backstory = agent(
"Generate a backstory for the {name} actor. Where are they from? What are they doing here? What are their "
'goals? Make sure to phrase the backstory in the second person, starting with "you are" and speaking directly to {name}.',
health = 100
actions = {}
return Actor(
def generate_world(agent: Agent, theme: str) -> World:
room_count = randint(3, 5)
logger.info(f"Generating a {theme} with {room_count} rooms")
existing_actors: List[str] = []
existing_items: List[str] = []
# generate the rooms
rooms = []
for i in range(room_count):
existing_rooms = [room.name for room in rooms]
room = generate_room(agent, theme, existing_rooms)
item_count = randint(0, 3)
for j in range(item_count):
item = generate_item(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_items=existing_items
actor_count = randint(0, 3)
for j in range(actor_count):
actor = generate_actor(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_actors=existing_actors
# generate the actor's inventory
item_count = randint(0, 3)
for k in range(item_count):
item = generate_item(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_items=existing_items
opposite_directions = {
"north": "south",
"south": "north",
"east": "west",
"west": "east",
# TODO: generate portals to link the rooms together
for room in rooms:
directions = ["north", "south", "east", "west"]
for direction in directions:
if direction in room.portals:
logger.debug(f"Room {room.name} already has a {direction} portal")
opposite_direction = opposite_directions[direction]
if randint(0, 1):
dest_room = choice([r for r in rooms if r.name != room.name])
# make sure not to create duplicate links
if room.name in dest_room.portals.values():
f"Room {dest_room.name} already has a portal to {room.name}"
if opposite_direction in dest_room.portals:
f"Room {dest_room.name} already has a {opposite_direction} portal"
# create bidirectional links
room.portals[direction] = dest_room.name
dest_room.portals[opposite_directions[direction]] = room.name
return World(rooms=rooms, theme=theme)

View File

@ -1,430 +1,40 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Callable, Sequence
from random import choice, randint
from json import load
from os import path
from json import dump, load, loads
from collections import deque
from pydantic import Field
from pydantic import RootModel
from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage, AIMessage, BaseMessage, SystemMessage
from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect
from packit.loops import loop_tool
from packit.results import multi_function_or_str_result
from packit.toolbox import Toolbox
from packit.utils import logger_with_colors
from packit.loops import loop_tool
from packit.utils import could_be_json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass as dataclass # noqa
from adventure.actions import (
from adventure.context import (
from adventure.generate import generate_world
from adventure.models import World, WorldState
from adventure.state import create_agents, save_world, save_world_state
logger = logger_with_colors(__name__)
# world building
Actions = Dict[str, Callable]
class Item:
name: str
description: str
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
class Actor:
name: str
backstory: str
description: str
health: int
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
items: List[Item] = Field(default_factory=list)
class Room:
name: str
description: str
portals: Dict[str, str] = Field(default_factory=dict)
items: List[Item] = Field(default_factory=list)
actors: List[Actor] = Field(default_factory=list)
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
class World:
rooms: List[Room]
theme: str
class WorldState:
world: World
memory: Dict[str, List[str | Dict[str, str]]]
step: int
# world generators
def generate_room(agent: Agent, world_theme: str, existing_rooms: List[str]) -> Room:
name = agent(
'Generate one room, area, or location that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. Only respond with the room name, do not include the description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. The existing rooms are: {existing_rooms}',
logger.info(f"Generating room: {name}")
desc = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} area. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What can be seen or heard?",
items = []
actors = []
actions = {}
return Room(
name=name, description=desc, items=items, actors=actors, actions=actions
def generate_item(
agent: Agent,
world_theme: str,
dest_room: str | None = None,
dest_actor: str | None = None,
existing_items: List[str] = [],
) -> Item:
if dest_actor:
dest_note = "The item will be held by the {dest_actor} character"
elif dest_room:
dest_note = "The item will be placed in the {dest_room} room"
dest_note = "The item will be placed in the world"
name = agent(
"Generate one item or object that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. {dest_note}. "
'Only respond with the item name, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. '
"Do not create any duplicate items in the same room. Do not give characters any duplicate items. The existing items are: {existing_items}",
logger.info(f"Generating item: {name}")
desc = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} item. What does it look like? What is it made of? What does it do?",
actions = {}
return Item(name=name, description=desc, actions=actions)
def generate_actor(
agent: Agent, world_theme: str, dest_room: str, existing_actors: List[str] = []
) -> Actor:
name = agent(
"Generate one person or creature that would make sense in the world of {world_theme}. The character will be placed in the {dest_room} room. "
'Only respond with the character name, do not include a description or any other text. Do not prefix the name with "the", do not wrap it in quotes. '
"Do not create any duplicate characters in the same room. The existing characters are: {existing_actors}",
logger.info(f"Generating actor: {name}")
description = agent(
"Generate a detailed description of the {name} character. What do they look like? What are they wearing? What are they doing? Describe their appearance from the perspective of an outside observer.",
backstory = agent(
'Generate a backstory for the {name} actor. Where are they from? What are they doing here? What are their goals? Make sure to phrase the backstory in the second person, starting with "you are" and speaking directly to {name}.',
health = 100
actions = {}
return Actor(
def generate_world(agent: Agent, theme: str) -> World:
room_count = randint(3, 5)
logger.info(f"Generating a {theme} with {room_count} rooms")
existing_actors: List[str] = []
existing_items: List[str] = []
# generate the rooms
rooms = []
for i in range(room_count):
existing_rooms = [room.name for room in rooms]
room = generate_room(agent, theme, existing_rooms)
item_count = randint(0, 3)
for j in range(item_count):
item = generate_item(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_items=existing_items
actor_count = randint(0, 3)
for j in range(actor_count):
actor = generate_actor(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_actors=existing_actors
# generate the actor's inventory
item_count = randint(0, 3)
for k in range(item_count):
item = generate_item(
agent, theme, dest_room=room.name, existing_items=existing_items
opposite_directions = {
"north": "south",
"south": "north",
"east": "west",
"west": "east",
# TODO: generate portals to link the rooms together
for room in rooms:
directions = ["north", "south", "east", "west"]
for direction in directions:
if direction in room.portals:
logger.debug(f"Room {room.name} already has a {direction} portal")
opposite_direction = opposite_directions[direction]
if randint(0, 1):
dest_room = choice([r for r in rooms if r.name != room.name])
# make sure not to create duplicate links
if room.name in dest_room.portals.values():
f"Room {dest_room.name} already has a portal to {room.name}"
if opposite_direction in dest_room.portals:
f"Room {dest_room.name} already has a {opposite_direction} portal"
# create bidirectional links
room.portals[direction] = dest_room.name
dest_room.portals[opposite_directions[direction]] = room.name
return World(rooms=rooms, theme=theme)
# memory space
current_world = None
current_room = None
current_actor = None
current_step = 0
actor_agents = {}
action_tools = None
# simulation
def check_current():
if not current_world:
raise ValueError(
"The current world must be set before calling action functions"
if not current_room:
raise ValueError("The current room must be set before calling action functions")
if not current_actor:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor must be set before calling action functions"
return (current_world, current_room, current_actor)
def action_look(target: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = check_current()
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} looks at {target}")
if target == action_room.name:
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} saw the {action_room.name} room")
return action_room.description
for actor in action_room.actors:
if actor.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {actor.name} actor in the {action_room.name} room"
return actor.description
for item in action_room.items:
if item.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {item.name} item in the {action_room.name} room"
return item.description
for item in action_actor.items:
if item.name == target:
f"{action_actor.name} saw the {item.name} item in their inventory"
return item.description
return "You do not see that item or character in the room."
def action_move(direction: str) -> str:
action_world, action_room, action_actor = check_current()
destination_name = action_room.portals.get(direction)
if not destination_name:
return f"You cannot move {direction} from here."
destination_room = next(
(room for room in action_world.rooms if room.name == destination_name), None
if not destination_room:
return f"The {destination_name} room does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} moves {direction} to {destination_name}")
return f"You move {direction} and arrive at {destination_name}."
def action_take(item_name: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = check_current()
item = next((item for item in action_room.items if item.name == item_name), None)
if item:
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} takes the {item_name} item")
return "You take the {item_name} item and put it in your inventory."
return "The {item_name} item is not in the room."
def action_ask(character: str, question: str) -> str:
# capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten
action_actor = current_actor
action_room = current_room
if not action_actor or not action_room:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor and room must be set before calling action_ask"
# sanity checks
if character == action_actor.name:
return "You cannot ask yourself a question. Stop talking to yourself."
question_actor, question_agent = actor_agents.get(character, (None, None))
if not question_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
if not question_agent:
return f"The {character} character does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} asks {character}: {question}")
answer = question_agent(f"{action_actor.name} asks you: {question}. Reply with your response. Do not include the question or any other text, only your reply to {action_actor.name}.")
if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer:
answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "")
if len(answer.strip()) > 0:
logger.info(f"{character} responds to {action_actor.name}: {answer}")
return f"{character} responds: {answer}"
return f"{character} does not respond."
def action_tell(character: str, message: str) -> str:
# capture references to the current actor and room, because they will be overwritten
action_actor = current_actor
action_room = current_room
if not action_actor or not action_room:
raise ValueError(
"The current actor and room must be set before calling action_tell"
# sanity checks
if character == action_actor.name:
return "You cannot tell yourself a message. Stop talking to yourself."
question_actor, question_agent = actor_agents.get(character, (None, None))
if not question_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
if not question_agent:
return f"The {character} character does not exist."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} tells {character}: {message}")
answer = question_agent(f"{action_actor.name} tells you: {message}. Reply with your response. Do not include the message or any other text, only your reply to {action_actor.name}.")
if could_be_json(answer) and action_tell.__name__ in answer:
answer = loads(answer).get("parameters", {}).get("message", "")
if len(answer.strip()) > 0:
logger.info(f"{character} responds to {action_actor.name}: {answer}")
return f"{character} responds: {answer}"
return f"{character} does not respond."
def action_give(character: str, item_name: str) -> str:
_, action_room, action_actor = check_current()
destination_actor = next(
(actor for actor in action_room.actors if actor.name == character), None
if not destination_actor:
return f"The {character} character is not in the room."
item = next((item for item in action_actor.items if item.name == item_name), None)
if not item:
return f"You do not have the {item_name} item in your inventory."
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} gives {character} the {item_name} item")
return f"You give the {item_name} item to {character}."
def action_stop() -> str:
_, _, action_actor = check_current()
logger.info(f"{action_actor.name} end their turn")
return "You stop your actions and end your turn."
def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs):
global current_world
global current_room
global current_actor
current_world = get_current_world()
if not current_world:
raise ValueError(
"The current world must be set before calling world_result_parser"
@ -432,43 +42,23 @@ def world_result_parser(value, agent, **kwargs):
logger.debug(f"parsing action for {agent.name}: {value}")
current_actor = next(
for inner_actor, inner_agent in actor_agents.values()
if inner_agent == agent
current_actor = get_actor_for_agent(agent)
current_room = next(
(room for room in current_world.rooms if current_actor in room.actors), None
return multi_function_or_str_result(value, agent=agent, **kwargs)
def create_agents(world: World, memory: Dict[str, List[str | Dict[str, str]]] = {}):
# set up agents for each actor
global actor_agents
llm = agent_easy_connect()
# for each actor in each room in the world
for room in world.rooms:
for actor in room.actors:
agent = Agent(actor.name, actor.backstory, {}, llm)
agent.memory = restore_memory(memory.get(actor.name, []))
actor_agents[actor.name] = (actor, agent)
def simulate_world(world: World, steps: int = 10, callback=None):
logger.info("Simulating the world")
# collect actors, so they are only processed once
all_actors = [actor for room in world.rooms for actor in room.actors]
# prep the actions
global action_tools
# TODO: add actions for: drop, use, attack, cast, jump, climb, swim, fly, etc.
action_tools = Toolbox(
@ -482,15 +72,18 @@ def simulate_world(world: World, steps: int = 10, callback=None):
# create a result parser that will memorize the actor and room
global current_step
global current_world
current_world = world
# simulate each actor
for i in range(steps):
current_step = get_step()
logger.info(f"Simulating step {current_step}")
for actor in all_actors:
_, agent = actor_agents[actor.name]
agent = get_agent_for_actor(actor)
if not agent:
logger.error(f"Agent not found for actor {actor.name}")
room = next((room for room in world.rooms if actor in room.actors), None)
if not room:
logger.error(f"Actor {actor.name} is not in a room")
@ -536,13 +129,16 @@ def simulate_world(world: World, steps: int = 10, callback=None):
# that should be presented back to the actor
# TODO: inject this directly in the agent's memory rather than reprompting them
response = agent(
"The result of your last action was: {result}. Your turn is over, no further actions will be accepted. If you understand, reply with the word \"end\".",
"The result of your last action was: {result}. Your turn is over, no further actions will be accepted. "
'If you understand, reply with the word "end".',
logger.info(f"{actor.name} step response: '{response}'")
if response.strip().lower() not in ["end", ""]:
logger.warning(f"{actor.name} responded after the end of their turn: %s", response)
f"{actor.name} responded after the end of their turn: %s", response
response = agent(
"Your turn is over, no further actions will be accepted. Do not reply."
@ -554,57 +150,6 @@ def simulate_world(world: World, steps: int = 10, callback=None):
current_step += 1
def graph_world(world: World, step: int):
import graphviz
graph = graphviz.Digraph(f"{world.theme}-{step}", format="png")
for room in world.rooms:
room_label = "\n".join([room.name, *[actor.name for actor in room.actors]])
graph.node(room.name, room_label) # , room.description)
for direction, destination in room.portals.items():
graph.edge(room.name, destination, label=direction)
graph.render(directory="worlds", view=True)
def snapshot_world(world: World, step: int):
# save the world itself, along with the step number of the memory of each agent
json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump()
json_memory = {}
for actor, agent in actor_agents.values():
json_memory[actor.name] = list(agent.memory)
return {
"world": json_world,
"memory": json_memory,
"step": step,
def restore_memory(
data: Sequence[str | Dict[str, str]]
) -> deque[str | AIMessage | HumanMessage | SystemMessage]:
memories = []
for memory in data:
if isinstance(memory, str):
elif isinstance(memory, dict):
memory_content = memory["content"]
memory_type = memory["type"]
if memory_type == "human":
elif memory_type == "system":
elif memory_type == "ai":
return deque(memories, maxlen=10)
# main
def parse_args():
import argparse
@ -641,12 +186,9 @@ def main():
with open(args.world_state, "r") as f:
state = WorldState(**load(f))
# TODO: reload agent memory
global current_step
current_step = state.step
create_agents(state.world, state.memory)
world = state.world
create_agents(world, state.memory)
elif args.world and path.exists(args.world):
logger.info(f"Loading world from {args.world}")
with open(args.world, "r") as f:
@ -667,28 +209,13 @@ def main():
logger.debug("Loaded world: %s", world)
if args.world:
with open(args.world, "w") as f:
json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump_json(indent=2)
save_world(world, args.world)
def save_world_state(world, step):
graph_world(world, step)
if args.world_state:
json_state = snapshot_world(world, step)
with open(args.world_state, "w") as f:
def dumper(obj):
if isinstance(obj, BaseMessage):
return {
"content": obj.content,
"type": obj.type,
raise ValueError(f"Cannot serialize {obj}")
dump(json_state, f, default=dumper, indent=2)
simulate_world(world, steps=args.steps, callback=save_world_state)
callback=lambda w, s: save_world_state(w, s, args.world_state),
if __name__ == "__main__":

adventure/models.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, List
from pydantic import Field
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass as dataclass # noqa
Actions = Dict[str, Callable]
class Item:
name: str
description: str
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
class Actor:
name: str
backstory: str
description: str
health: int
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
items: List[Item] = Field(default_factory=list)
class Room:
name: str
description: str
portals: Dict[str, str] = Field(default_factory=dict)
items: List[Item] = Field(default_factory=list)
actors: List[Actor] = Field(default_factory=list)
actions: Actions = Field(default_factory=dict)
class World:
rooms: List[Room]
theme: str
class WorldState:
world: World
memory: Dict[str, List[str | Dict[str, str]]]
step: int

adventure/state.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
from collections import deque
from json import dump
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, BaseMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
from packit.agent import Agent, agent_easy_connect
from pydantic import RootModel
from adventure.context import get_all_actor_agents, set_actor_agent_for_name
from adventure.models import World
def create_agents(world: World, memory: Dict[str, List[str | Dict[str, str]]] = {}):
# set up agents for each actor
llm = agent_easy_connect()
for room in world.rooms:
for actor in room.actors:
agent = Agent(actor.name, actor.backstory, {}, llm)
agent.memory = restore_memory(memory.get(actor.name, []))
set_actor_agent_for_name(actor.name, actor, agent)
def graph_world(world: World, step: int):
import graphviz
graph = graphviz.Digraph(f"{world.theme}-{step}", format="png")
for room in world.rooms:
room_label = "\n".join([room.name, *[actor.name for actor in room.actors]])
graph.node(room.name, room_label) # , room.description)
for direction, destination in room.portals.items():
graph.edge(room.name, destination, label=direction)
graph.render(directory="worlds", view=True)
def snapshot_world(world: World, step: int):
# save the world itself, along with the step number of the memory of each agent
json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump()
json_memory = {}
for actor, agent in get_all_actor_agents():
json_memory[actor.name] = list(agent.memory)
return {
"world": json_world,
"memory": json_memory,
"step": step,
def restore_memory(
data: Sequence[str | Dict[str, str]]
) -> deque[str | AIMessage | HumanMessage | SystemMessage]:
memories = []
for memory in data:
if isinstance(memory, str):
elif isinstance(memory, dict):
memory_content = memory["content"]
memory_type = memory["type"]
if memory_type == "human":
elif memory_type == "system":
elif memory_type == "ai":
return deque(memories, maxlen=10)
def save_world(world, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
json_world = RootModel[World](world).model_dump_json(indent=2)
def save_world_state(world, step, filename):
graph_world(world, step)
json_state = snapshot_world(world, step)
with open(filename, "w") as f:
def dumper(obj):
if isinstance(obj, BaseMessage):
return {
"content": obj.content,
"type": obj.type,
raise ValueError(f"Cannot serialize {obj}")
dump(json_state, f, default=dumper, indent=2)

setup.cfg Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
description-file = README.md
ignore = E203, W503
max-line-length = 160
per-file-ignores =
exclude =