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TaleWeave AI Events


Event Types

  • Player events
    • Joining
    • Leaving
  • System events
    • Generating the world?
  • World events
    • Things happening in the world

Player Events

Player events use the following schema:

event: "player"
status: string
character: string
client: string

Player Join Events

Player join events have a status of join:

event: "player"
status: "join"
character: string
client: string

Player Leave Events

Player leave events have a status of leave:

event: "player"
status: "leave"
character: string
client: string

System Events

Generate Events

Generate events are sent every time an entity's name is generated and again when it has been completely generated and added to the world.

event: "generate"
name: str
entity: Room | Actor | Item | None

Two generate events will be fired for each entity. The first event will not have an entity set, only the name. The second event after generation is complete will have the same name and the full entity. This helps provide more frequent progress updates when generating with slow models.

World Events

Action Events

Prompt Events

Reply Events

Result Events

Status Events

Server-specific Events

Websocket Server Events

The websocket server has a few unique message types that it uses to communicate metadata with socket clients.

Websocket New Client

Notify a new client of its unique ID.

type: "id"
id: str

This is an outgoing event from the server to clients.

Websocket Player Become Character

A socket client wants to play as a character in the world.

type: "player"
become: str

This is an incoming event from clients to the server.

Websocket Player Input

A socket client has sent some input, usually in response to a prompt.

type: "input"
input: str

This is an incoming event from clients to the server.

Websocket Player Name

Update the player name attached to a socket client.

type: "player"
name: str

This is an incoming event from clients to the server.