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# Admin's Guide to TaleWeave AI
## Contents
- [Admin's Guide to TaleWeave AI](#admins-guide-to-taleweave-ai)
- [Contents](#contents)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [Disk space](#disk-space)
- [GPU and VRAM](#gpu-and-vram)
- [Networking and ports](#networking-and-ports)
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Clone the git repository](#clone-the-git-repository)
- [Set up a virtual environment](#set-up-a-virtual-environment)
- [Install the pip dependencies](#install-the-pip-dependencies)
- [Launch Ollama for text generation](#launch-ollama-for-text-generation)
- [Using vLLM](#using-vllm)
- [Using OpenAI](#using-openai)
- [Optional: Launch ComfyUI for image generation](#optional-launch-comfyui-for-image-generation)
- [Register](#register)
- [Register a Discord bot](#register-a-discord-bot)
- [Configure](#configure)
- [Configure the Discord bot](#configure-the-discord-bot)
- [Configure the server environment](#configure-the-server-environment)
- [Optional: Configure image generation](#optional-configure-image-generation)
- [Optional: Configure websocket server](#optional-configure-websocket-server)
- [Optional: Configure world size](#optional-configure-world-size)
- [Run](#run)
- [Choose a world prompt or template](#choose-a-world-prompt-or-template)
- [Launch the game](#launch-the-game)
- [Connect and play](#connect-and-play)
## Hardware
### Disk space
The amount of disk space required depends primarily on the LLM and Stable Diffusion checkpoints being used.
The game world is usually < 1MB and up to 2 copies of each world are kept on disk. The images rendered for various
objects and events in the game can grow over time, but each image should be about 1MB, depending on the image size
that you choose.
Approximate disk space requirements:
| LLM / SD | SD v1.5 (3-4GB) | SDXL (6-8GB) |
| ------------- | --------------- | ------------ |
| 7-8b (4-6GB) | 8-10GB | 10-12GB |
| 14b (8-10GB) | 15GB | 20GB |
| 30b (16-20GB) | 25GB | 30GB |
| 70b (30-40GB) | 35GB | 50GB |
The exact size will vary by model, checkpoint, quantization, etc, and is likely to grow over time.
### GPU and VRAM
Technically, you do not need a GPU to run TaleWeave AI. However, performance will be much better with at least one
GPU. Running the LLM on CPU _is not recommended_ and will impact the game's performance, but it is possible.
If you want to render images of the world while the characters are acting, you will need two GPUs or you will
need to run image generation on the CPU.
The required amount of VRAM depends on which models you choose and their memory requirements, which is related to
parameter size and quantization.
| LLM / SD | SD v1.5 | SDXL |
| -------- | --------------------- | ---------------------- |
| 7-8b | 1x 16GB | 1x 24GB or 8GB + 16GB |
| 14b | 1x 24GB or 8GB + 16GB | 2x 16-24GB |
| 30b | 1x 48GB or 8GB + 32GB | 1x 48GB or 16GB + 32GB |
| 70b* | 8GB + 48GB | 16GB + 48GB |
1. 70b models need to be quantized to 4-bit or so to run on a 48GB GPU
2. While it may be possible to run both text and image generation on the same GPU, two GPUs is recommended
### Networking and ports
If you want to make the websocket server accessible over the internet, you will need at least one open port.
If you are using a load balancer, make sure it is compatible with websockets.
## Setup
### Clone the git repository
Clone the TaleWeave AI repository:
git clone https://github.com/ssube/TaleWeaveAI.git
cd TaleWeaveAI
This will clone the `main` branch, which is currently the development branch and may not be totally stable.
### Set up a virtual environment
Set up a virtual environment to manage the dependencies:
# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
If you prefer using Conda or other tools, you can create an environment using their commands instead. Make sure they
are compatible with pip packages.
### Install the pip dependencies
Install the pip dependencies into your virtual environment:
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Launch Ollama for text generation
Since TaleWeave AI is a text adventure, some kind of text generator is required. By default, TaleWeave AI is designed
to work with locally-hosted LLM servers, like [Ollama](https://github.com/ollama/ollama).
Ollama releases binaries for Linux, Mac, and Windows, along with a Docker container that works on RunPod and other GPU
container services.
If you are using Ollama, you will need to set the following variables in your server environment:
If you are running Ollama with a GPU, you should also set the number of GPU layers and context length:
These environment variables need to be set in the terminal where TaleWeave AI will be running, they are _not_ used by
the Ollama server.
Please see the Ollama docs for more details:
- https://github.com/ollama/ollama?tab=readme-ov-file#ollama
#### Using vLLM
You can use vLLM for text generation instead of Ollama. This has not been thoroughly tested, but anything server that
is compatible with the OpenAI API should work, and vLLM seems to work in general. Some models are available for vLLM
on the HuggingFace Hub that are not available for Ollama, and performance differs on different hardware. Use the server
that works for you.
If you are using vLLM, you will need to set the following variables in your server environment:
Please see the vLLM docs for more details:
- https://docs.vllm.ai/en/latest/getting_started/installation.html
#### Using OpenAI
- https://platform.openai.com/docs/quickstart
- `PACKIT_DRIVER=openai`
### Optional: Launch ComfyUI for image generation
- https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI?tab=readme-ov-file#installing
## Register
### Register a Discord bot
## Configure
### Configure the Discord bot
### Configure the server environment
### Optional: Configure image generation
### Optional: Configure websocket server
### Optional: Configure world size
## Run
### Choose a world prompt or template
### Launch the game
To start a game simulation using the "outback animals" example prompt and running both the Discord both and websocket
# Start the TaleWeave AI engine
python3 -m taleweave.main \
--world worlds/outback-animals-1 \
--world-template ./taleweave/prompts.yml:outback-animals \
--discord \
--server \
--rooms 3 \
--turns 30 \
--optional-actions=true \
--actions taleweave.systems.sim:init_actions \
--systems taleweave.systems.sim:init_logic
This will generate a relatively small world with 3 rooms or areas, run for 30 steps, then save the game and shut down.
The world will be saved to a file named `worlds/outback-animals-1.json` and the state will be saved after each step to
another file named `worlds/outback-animals-1.state.json`. The world can be stopped at any time by pressing Ctrl-C,
although the step in progress will be lost. The saved state can be resumed and played for any number of additional
steps by running the server again with the same arguments.
> Note: `module.name:function_name` and `path/filename.yml:key` are patterns you will see repeated throughout TaleWeave AI.
> They indicate a Python module and function within it, or a data file and key within it, respectively.
The `sim_systems` provide many mechanics from popular life simulations, including hunger, thirst, exhaustion, and mood.
Custom actions and systems can be used to provide any other mechanics that are desired for your setting. The logic
system uses a combination of Python and YAML to modify the prompts connected to rooms, characters, and items in the
world, influencing the behavior of the language models.
### Connect and play