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This guide covers the engine architecture in detail, describing entities and showing major event flows.



The service controller player and non-player characters. Unrelated to the actor model.


Behavioral actors are controlled by the computer - NPCs.


Actors can carry items in their inventory. There is currently no inventory limit.

Equipment Slots

Actors can equip items from their inventory into specific slots. The weapon-* slots are used to attack, for example. Only items with a corresponding slot can be equipped, limited what some actors can use (animals may have slots for claws and teeth instead of hands).


Configuring the engine.

Locale Config

Logger Config

Service Config


The player's input lines are parsed into commands for the actor to execute. NPC AI generates input commands directly.

Command Tokenization

Commands are built by splitting input on whitespace, removing articles (a, an, the, etc) and other filler words, and assuming the verb and target are in the correct order. Some validation is done when invoking commands, but the parsing is very simple.

Common Commands

There are common verbs built into the engine for actions such as:

  • drop an item
  • hit an enemy
  • look at an entity
  • move to another room
  • take an item
  • use an item
  • wait the turn

Meta Commands

There are some meta commands that are handled by the state service, rather than actor scripts.

  • create
    • create a new world from the template
  • debug
    • print the world state to output
  • graph
    • print the world state to path in graphviz format
  • help
    • list common and meta commands
  • load
    • load the world state from a path
  • save
    • save the world state to a path
  • quit

World Commands

World entities may define their own contextual verbs, which can be invoked normally through input.


Actor Entity

TODO: explain actors

Item Entity

TODO: explain items

Portal Entity

TODO: explain portals

Room Entity

TODO: explain rooms


The entire engine is event-driven, with intentionally little direct coupling between services. Some operations are too trivial to bus, like translating a string, but any significant change to game state should be sent as an event.

Event Flow: Creating a New World

When the player sends a create command, generate a new world and inform the actor service, which will automatically join the loaded world.

flowchart with actor joining local world

Event Flow: Loading an Existing World

When the player sends a load command, the path is passed on to the loader, which responds with the loaded state and triggers the auto-join sequence (shown in the create event flow).

flowchart with player input being processed locally

Event Flow: Command with Local State

When the player submits a world command, it is parsed into commands and triggers a state step, processed locally.

flowchart with player input being processed locally

Event Flow: Command with Remote State

When the client is connected to a remote state service, with a corresponding remote actor on the server-side, the command flow is similar but extended. Notably, localization occurs on the client-side after output has been returned, one reason for having actor services on both sides.

flowchart with player input being sent to remote server


Modules are dependency injection groups, binding a related set of services.

Browser Module


  • browser-fetch-loader
  • browser-local-loader
  • browser-page-loader
  • browser-dom-render

Core Module


  • LocalCounter
  • NodeEventBus
  • NextLocale
  • YamlParser
  • AleaRandom
  • LocalScript
  • ChainTemplate
  • WordTokenizer


  • core-behavior-actor
  • core-player-actor
  • core-local-state
  • core-compromise-tokenizer
  • core-split-tokenizer

Node Module


  • node-file-loader
  • node-fetch-loader
  • node-ink-render
  • node-line-render


Please see the services doc for details on what each service does. The list is too long to include here.


Events in the world are processed by scripts attached to the entity performing the action. Scripts may be invoked on a single target entity or broadcast to an entire room, and take a context with field for some (optional) primitive data.

Script Target (this)

The entity on which the script is being invoked. Always a world entity.

Script Context

A context is prepared whenever a script is invoked, with the target (entity upon which the script has been invoked), any data that was provided, and some helpers that provide safe ways to mutate the game state.

Scope Data

The context contains a data field, suitable for passing in non-nested numbers and strings.

TODO: support custom template data for scripts

Signal Scripts

Signals are named events on an entity, linked to (named) scripts.

Verb Scripts

Verbs are custom commands, which invoke a slot with some additional data.